Monday, December 1, 2008

3 words.....Jennifer salas GREAT STORY

I woke up to the sound of my cellphone ringing. It was Parker! And it was 7:02 AM. Parker dropped me off late after we celebrated out 2 year anniversary last night. I wonder why he's calling so early. I answer the phone and hear Parker yell "congradulations! You have just won two 50 yard-line seats to the biggest game of the year! open your bedroom window and claim your prize." And before i could answer he hung up the phone. Courtside seats? I say to myself.....To the biggest game of the year...? "The superbowl!" I yell. I hop out of bed as quikly as i can. I open my bedroom window and see Parker standing about a foot and a half away from me outside my window. And in his hands were two 50 yard-line seats to the biggest game of the year. "So get dressed. I'm taking you out." Parker said excitingly. "Now? But its so early. Where would we go?""You'll see"... said Parker, grinning as he blushed and looked into my eyes. So i quikly got dressed and quietly slipped out my window so i wouldn't wake my mom. my parents are very lenient. as long as i do my chores and i get good grades and im back by 10:00 pm, they pretty much let me do as i please.But my dad works nights so hes not going to be back until 9:00 AM; and its only 7:23 AM right now. So i rode on the handlebars of parkers of Parkers bike as we rode all the way to... Denny's! So we sat there for about 2 and a half hours talking while we ate our breakfast special. "It's 10:08 Am," i say. "Shouldn't we be leaving?" 'yeah ur right, lets go." So Parker and i rode his bike all the way to his house. His mothers old suburban car was parked in the driveway. So Parker went inside and told his parents that we were leaving. " it only takes 15 minuts to get there so we'll be there in no time." Parker said. " How could you have gotten such amazing tickets!?" i exclaimed. " I mean, 50 yard-line seats! Thats incredible!" " Yeah, i got them like three months ago" " Wow Parker, i think im falling in love with you." i joked. "uh, yeah." Thats what parker always says when i joke about things like that. Its almost like he's hidding something. So while we were driving i called my parents to tell them that i was going to the superbowl with Parker.They were thrilled that he even got the tickets." well, were here" "The game starts in 30 minutes, lets take to our seats." i say. As we finally took our seats in the stadium, Parker looked at me for a few seconds then said, "Ya know Val, You make me really happy, you really do." And as i looked back my simple reply was, " Ditto." As the game went on , Parker and i yelled and shouted at the players along with all the other pycho fans. The Bears were up 22 points and the giants were down 12 points. There were only 30 seconds left on the clock.The Bears have the ball, he's running! he's running! he's running! Touch down!!! The Bears win! The entire stadium thunders with cheering and shouting. I feel great! I grab Parker and hug him. And at that very moment when the rest of the world cheered for the Bears, Parker held me and said the three most important words that i had longed to hear. And as i held him i said the four most important words back, ....."I love you too....."
The End

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