Monday, January 19, 2009

OH NO NOT 1549!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On January 16,2009 a terrible incident occurred the plane crashed in this terrible crash no people were seriously damaged everyone was quite astonished that they lived through this tragedy. One thing that I don't understand is how can one bird blow out two engines what I think is that someone did something to the engine and they should investigate. I believe that they didn't take the plane out because they want the Black box but how doe know it is not already gone I think someone did something to the plane and it's weird how in two minutes the ferries reacted I think the state should focus more on the important stuff like danger instead f stuff like more money. But I'm happy no one died or seriously got hurt.

Everyone on the plane was accounted for and alive, officers said, "About 15 people were being treated at hospitals and others were being check up at medical centers.

Flight 1549, headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, was airborne less than three minutes, according to FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown.

The pilot radioed to air traffic controllers that he had experienced a bird strike and declared an emergency, a New Jersey State Police source said.

"I think a lot of people started praying and just collecting themselves," said passenger Fred Berretta. "It was quite stunning."

1 comment:

lahana said...

...from what I've heard it was a flock (a whole bunch) of birds that got into the engines. But you're right, it's AMAZING that no one got seriously injured. I heard Sulley (the pilot) was thrown a parade in his hometown and given a key to the city by the mayor!