Friday, November 28, 2008

bank- A bank is where you can go cash your checks when your parents and or where you can save your money.

commercial bank- Just like a bank but you use a card to take out the money from what you save or what you want to save.

bonds- help the companies that you are in by giving you a gift raise more money. the reaon they give you gifts is so you can stay in there companies.

checkings account-A place where your parents money goes so when she leds money of the card it comes straight out of the card without using cash.

credit- When you get a card you have debit and credit. Debit is when you use a card and it comes back to the company slower then debit. Credit is when if you don't pay your bills the govenment can take all the money tey think it is then they take it out your card.

Dept- Is when a person owes a lot of money and you can pay it back at the time they give you.

National Dept- When the state owes banks all around the world a lot of money but they can't pay it at the time.

personal Dept- Is when you owe someone a lot of money.

Depression- When your parnts boss doesn't have enough money to pay for all his employees (workers) so he kicks them off the job.

Dow Jones Industrial Average-When they see how they are doing with there price and if they're dropping the prices go up.

Economy- The way the world uses there money and now in 2oo8 it's not looking to good.

Federal Reserve- you can see it on a quarter it is to reserve the banks and can allow the banks to take money out if they go over the spending limit.

Foreclosure- When a home owner is forced to leave cause he can't make payments cause he/she was let off.

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