Friday, May 1, 2009

Heck No


I'm not sorry but I'm going to say Hell I mean heck """"""NO""""""
  1. It is Against my religion to do that and I will get penalized for it and if I do and I won't I will regret it.
  2. We've Only been Girlfriend and Boyfriend for 2 Months and I still don't trust you and I don't know if we break up you will black male me with it and use it as revenge and show all your little Girlfriends which will probably be good for me because maybe one of your friends will notice how cruel you are being and she will treat me better.
  3. You might tell people lies about me and cause everybody to say cruel or think cruel things about me even though I don't care about what people think about me I still don't want to be thought of as a prostitute or a stripper.
  4. It will probably change me and make me want to send it to every girl in the school which then will make me a prostitute because it will get addicting and I won't be able to stop sending.
  5. I will probably loose all my friends and I will probably get teased with cruel and foul language that I won't be able to take and I will have fights everyday getting jumped Physically and Mentally and I will starve myself because of lost of friends and appetite.

1 comment:

lahana said...

Good choice E~Dazzle. This early on in your dating career it's unlikely you'll be staying with this girl. Who knows what she'll do with that picture of you. Anyhow, a quality girl wouldn't even ask you to do that.