Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We did it together

PS188 we did it they decided to stop dogs from laying desperately in the puppy mills I am glad so students If we an do that we an stop the wars and we can stop the government of Africa from taking the food that us Americans sent for them he holds all the food. But we did it. Dear e, The HS US offensive against puppy mills continues. Today, thanks to the work of your HS US, nearly 300 puppy mill dogs have a fresh start and are free forever from the horrors of the mass breeding operation known as Thornton’s Kennels in Wayne County, N.C. Just 72 hours ago, misery was the only life these animals had known. The dogs -- found in cramped, rusted-out wire cages stacked one on top of the other -- were saved last weekend by local law enforcement officers and a rescue team from The Humane Society of the United States. Some of the dogs -- well beyond safe breeding age -- had been forced to breed for years on end until they simply collapsed under the strain. Watch our exclusive video that takes you inside the rescue of these innocent victims. Then please make an emergency contribution today to support this rescue operation and others like it. Since Saturday, the animals have been at an emergency shelter, where dedicated teams of local volunteers and veterinarians, along with partners from the animal welfare community, have been tending to the dogs' many critical needs. Finally out of the clutches of Thornton’s Kennels, these dogs are at the beginning of their ultimate journey -- to a loving home of their own. Tragically, hundreds of thousands of dogs still suffer at the hands of this industry that traps them in a dismal cycle of misery. These are the animals our rescue teams are trained to save. In fact, during the past year alone, we’ve rescued thousands of animals from the deplorable conditions of puppy mills around the country. Please help make these animal rescue operations possible. Watch our video, then make a special donation today to fund our emergency response teams. Thank you for all you do for animals. Sincerely, Wayne Pacelle President & CEO The Humane Society of the United States P.S. Last year, with the help of advocates like you, we convinced Congress to ban foreign puppy mill imports into the United States and persuaded several state legislatures to curb the worst puppy mill abuses. In North Carolina, as in most states, no laws addressing puppy mills are on the books. We aim to change that, and this bust will help the animals’ case.

funny show on youtube

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009


I think beyonce thinks that she can be a better boy then any other boyfriend that thinks they can break up with a girl and go out with anither and do the same thing I was once like that but I see why I did that it was because I thought that girl was cheating and I had a feeling that she would always lie to me and that she wasn't happy and If I went pro she wouldn't want to share but she went on with her life and so did I. I relized that I'm not ready for a girl and that I need to focus on my school work and my career on basketball. Beyonce talks about how bad guys are but what about the women I've also been in a relationship where a girl didn't really like me and she used me and I think this song should relate to girls and boys. I agree wh byonce alittle but she can't only blame it on the boys.