Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emmanuel McNeil Mr.Rohlfing
Pace H.S 3/12/10

Should the NBA let High school students play?

The controversy over high school students started in 1962 in the NBA draft. Reggie Harding was selected by the Detroit Pistons in the fourth round of the playoffs. He became one of the first basketball players to play in the NBA straight from High school. In the 1970s two more players followed the same path as Reggie Harding. There names were Darryl Dawkins and Bill Willoughby. Although Bill Willoughby wasn’t that great Darryl Dawkins was a phenomenal player. For almost two decades it really wasn’t a issue to let High scholars play in the NBA. Since 1995-2005 it has been a major issue for people who wanted to go straight to the NBA from High School (NBA High School Draftees, 1).
This topic interests me because basketball is my sport. It also gives me facts and knowledge I didn’t know about basketball. This topic for me omits all the other topics and pursue my attention and keeps me concentrated on the history of basketball.

When I was twelve years old I would always say I’m going to the NBA straight from High school. “My mom would always tell me to plan ahead on what you’re going to do in life and always have a plan A-Z have your priorities straightened out to make your dream happen.”- Michelle McCullough. I think she meant this.

In 2006 they stopped allowing H.S.S in the NBA. David Stern commissioner of the NBA made this rule “No More H.S.S. High School Students were not mature. The NBA made them mature and understand the game. The NBA is hard to survive in. It teaches you life lessons like sportsmanship, being a team player, it also teaches you how to be a leader. The NBA also teaches High scholars how to develop a grown up mentality. Some take basketball serious they will be the ones to accomplish there dream like Jeremy Tyler “ This what I do this will help me grow up.” (Basketball Prospect Leaving High School to Play in Europe,1)

Some stars that came straight from high school to the NBA were successful and got rich but didn’t really know what to do with there money so they either did drugs or bought guns and their career went down the drain.
Some stars went overseas to play basketball because they thought there would be any work skills or school, they also thought better chances of being scouted and that there was more freedom.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's a girl

Mr.Flohana is a Father? Yeah he is I saw him on 14th street with his wife he looked like a famous rapper he had his stunning glasses on his daughters name is emmanuella. Mr Flohana is a great teacher so imagine how he is going to be as a father and he loves kids so it works out maybe he is going to do smorka with his little daughter. It's a healthy baby I hope to speak to you soon Mr flohana I'm going to start blogging again thank you for being there Mr Flohana keep rapping and work on your singing na jus kiddin peace out.

Saturday, May 30, 2009



I know Suzuette and splotchy: 1)They responded to quick
2)They would change the subject
3)If they didn't understand what you were saying they would do this............................................... the dots stand for nothing except this one >>>.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Heck No


I'm not sorry but I'm going to say Hell I mean heck """"""NO""""""
  1. It is Against my religion to do that and I will get penalized for it and if I do and I won't I will regret it.
  2. We've Only been Girlfriend and Boyfriend for 2 Months and I still don't trust you and I don't know if we break up you will black male me with it and use it as revenge and show all your little Girlfriends which will probably be good for me because maybe one of your friends will notice how cruel you are being and she will treat me better.
  3. You might tell people lies about me and cause everybody to say cruel or think cruel things about me even though I don't care about what people think about me I still don't want to be thought of as a prostitute or a stripper.
  4. It will probably change me and make me want to send it to every girl in the school which then will make me a prostitute because it will get addicting and I won't be able to stop sending.
  5. I will probably loose all my friends and I will probably get teased with cruel and foul language that I won't be able to take and I will have fights everyday getting jumped Physically and Mentally and I will starve myself because of lost of friends and appetite.